Our most important ingredient: the tasty Italian almonds
We're Nuts about Almonds!
You often see it in the central and southern part of Italy. The beautiful large trees with beautiful flowers in early spring are a feast for the eyes. The nut itself is packed in a hard shell that is hidden in a green shell. Nature makes every effort to protect this soft and creamy tasting miracle our basis of this vegan ice cream. It is therefore good to know that almonds contain a lot of proteins and healthy fats.
The Sicilian almonds we use in our plant based ice cream come from beautiful orchards where no advanced agro-ecological practices are used. With a strong sense that we are tied to the almonds origin and to the people who live there, we prefer traditional methods, such as manual harvesting, characteristics of this region.
In Sicily there are almost no major industries but more smaller agricultural practices, which ensure local labour and the subsistence of the local population.

There are also currently projects being set up to restore ecosystems and preserve natural resources in Sicily, as for instance, the land where the orchards grow these days was almost deserted and the orchards proudly been brought to produce again. With these almonds as the basis of our ice cream, we can thankfully contribute to this.